May 14, 2021Liked by Nia

I don't think we're meant to be spending this much time with ourselves, indulging in as much reflection as the last year has forced upon us. The daily distraction of our normal lives allowed us to cherish the few moments we get to do something we love. But now, it somehow doesn't feel the same. Quite weird what this year has done to us collectively.

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May 14, 2021Liked by Nia

I’ve been in a similar reading slump myself while either overworking myself to death or procrastinating everything as long as possible haha. Loving the newsletter! 👏🏻

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I relate with Death too :')

Also, this line "It’s not the same if you watch Netflix when you’re not procrastinating something, you know?" was such a hard relate omg.

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This article reminds me of we do keep so many things for tomorrow, but not knowing if we are alive for that tomorrow...

And so they rightly say, enjoy the present.

A great article. Although the first article, a great start with such a topic...

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