My favorite kinds of vacations are where I can sit by water (a pool or a beach or a lake) and read and also nap, and for years I’ve felt like I’m wasting time and I should be *doing* things, but that’s what I enjoy! Why should I feel guilty? And you’re right, even taking the night off to watch tv is seen as lazy even though I worked all day and it’s okay to take time to rest my brain and not be *productive*. I’m so tired of the hustle culture and hope more and more we all start to lean away from it!

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I've lived in Paris for 12 years and as the world is opening up again, it's incredible to see a stream of folks from the USA coming over here and realizing that you're allowed to sit and drink coffee for a whole two hours on any given day of the week, and not feel like a lazy piece of shit because of it. Thanks for your post, and for this space. Reminds me of a great quote at the end of James Baldwin's "Giovanni's Room," when the Italian lover tells the American exactly what's up:

“The Americans are funny. You have a funny sense of time—or perhaps you have no sense of time at all, I can’t tell. […] as though with enough time and all that fearful energy and virtue you people have, everything will be settled, solved, put in its place. And when I say everything,” he added, grimly, “I mean all the serious, dreadful things, like pain and death and love, in which you Americans do not believe.”

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This is exactly what I needed to hear after a long week of work, looking ahead at a weekend of obligations. I can’t remember the last time I was able to truly rest and turn off my work brain. I gotta remedy that.

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