Simply loved this one. Fully agree! 💯

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I think this may be your best yet, Nia, and I wish more people would talk honestly about just how much more expensive it is to be poor. Having money may not fix everything, but it sure simplifies an awful lot, and I think that's something most people with money fail to appreciate is true for most people without it. I'd like to think if more people made that realization we'd perhaps have a more just world, but perhaps that's misplaced optimism.

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I remember that same passage in "Men at Arms," and I also remember pausing there and thinking. It is all so true. I remember constantly running below that magic threshold in my bank balance and, indeed, triggering fees because my deposits, ahem, because I cut the line so close between the checks I wrote and my paychecks which, especially in the early days, never covered all my expenses. I have enormous empathy and anger about this.

I must ask this: how on earth did you find a single notebook that would last so long? Is it really big? Do you write in it every day?

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Another lovely and thought-provoking issue!Filing that example of the boots away for the day I take my kids out to spend their holiday gift cards ;)

And thanks again for that rec! Would you believe that the library holds gods smiled upon me over the holiday break, and I somehow got my hands on a print copy of The Martian?! I really liked it, especially the ending. It’s the kind of ending that makes you want to hug the book after you’ve closed it for the last time :)

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This isn't talked about enough, and it was my reality growing up. Thanks for writing about this, Nia.

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Great edition of your newsletter. Thank you!

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