Hi Nia!

I really love your opening quote. The other day I read somewhere because of the fast and short life-span of tech these days, it’s not even surprising for a young person this generation would end up with 10 different jobs by the time they’re 50 later—coming back to what you said a year can do feel extremely long. & ur dilemma on nicheing or not, I feel strongly on that as well. like currently Im also writing on life in relations to kpop but I’ve had this small voices in my head what if one day I have another interest and bye bye kpop? We writers would definitely want to constantly embrace, grow and write something new.

Anyway, love how u design your posts & u inspired me to include the feedback session in my latest post—https://thefarinsights.substack.com/p/what-leaders-can-learn-from-stray

Looking forward to your posts more!


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