Lady Irony's having a field day today.
Last week I wrote about the importance of taking time to rest. A few weeks before that, the importance of actually taking your holidays, paid time off, what have you.
Today, I'm sick. Well, sick-ish. An awful cold and some hellish cramps have gotten the better of me, but still, I didn't want to not show up in your inbox.

It would've been a good idea for me to have had a few issues ready to go for times like these.
But the way things work in this newsletter is that I choose a topic, write on it, and then send it out — all in the span of 12 hours. Advance work isn't my friend (yet), but I see the benefits of it now. I'm working on it.
So, while I rest (and prepare for our first anniversary issue), here's a filler newsletter with five of the least not-controversial issues of Not Controversial. Think of it as one of those flashback/memories episodes. I’m coming to realize that they’re important because we can’t be creative 24/7. A bit of rest (for the brain and the body) goes a long way.
Here are the issues that I enjoyed writing because a huge part of them came from my heart.
Everything's better with friends — even in a pandemic

Yes, I'm a sentimental fool who tries to act tough, but I truly love and appreciate my friends. As I grow older, I realize the importance of friendships and how important it is to nurture them. We won't make it in this cruel world without good friends.
What ordinary, everyday joy will you savour today?
One more for the emotional fools. Life is not all big milestones and crushing goalposts. This one takes a look at the small things that make up our life — a poem for the small things if I could say so myself.
Fanfics deserve mainstream appreciation and respect

Fanfiction is a source of comfort, of escapism, of understanding, and representation. It's where you can undo the death of your favourite LGBTQ+ characters or give them a happy ending — over and over again. It means so much to both writers and readers, and it's even won a Hugo, so can we let go of the pretentious judgement?
Can you separate art from the artist?
Here are my two cents — no ❤️ but with reasons. In the same vein, I've also written about how it's okay to love flawed creations. No artist is perfect, and there are many nuances to consider, but we cannot be blind to their mistakes or talent. Both must be recognized in tandem.
Why you should read more fiction as an adult
Now that I'm finally out of my reading slump, I've been going through books at an alarming rate. But most of them are fiction because that's what I want to read, and that should be okay. So I'm not taking any shit from anyone who's telling me to change my reading tastes to include dudebros talking about working less (aka exploiting others) under the guise of productivity.
No feedback form for this specific issue, but Not Controversial turns ONE on Saturday, May 14! I want to include you in the celebrations.
Here’s my usual anon form, but this time, here are some specifics. I want to quote you, your recommendations, your feedback, and your thoughts. If you don’t wanna be named, keep it anon (I’ll credit you as anon). But I would appreciate your involvement in this anniversary issue massively — I’ve got something cool planned!
No recommendations this week since I’m trying to limit my screen time to recuperate, but here’s what I’ve been reading:
See you next week with extra recommendations and fun stuff to make up for this issue.
I appreciate you! 💜